6 min read

How to Convert your Visitors into Customers?

What if the visitors you manage to bring to your website don't convert to paying customers? That'd be disheartening, right?
By PrettyLead   ·   December 2021
How to Convert your Visitors into Customers?
Table Of Contents

I've seen business owners and marketers spend thousands of dollars on outstanding website design and ad campaigns.

But, in the end, they aren't quite able to witness the results that wished for.

And if you are one of the businesses who aren't quite able to figure out a solution to this problem, we've got you covered.

In this blog post, not only will we learn what conversion rate is, but we will also be taking a brief look at some top tactics you can apply to improve the conversion rates of your website.
Well, then!

Let's begin with the basics.

What's conversion rate exactly?

If you've long been in the marketing industry, you might already have a bit of idea about the term "Conversion rate."
However, the chances are that you aren't exactly sure what it refers to.
Keeping it simple, conversion rate is the percentage of your website visitors that convert.
Visitors can convert on webinar registrations, lead magnets, sales, etc.
Conversion rate can be tracked for each of the actions that you want your visitors to take.

Here are a few of the most common conversion types:

  • Making a purchase
  • Calling your business
  • Submitting a form
  • Registering for a webinar
  • Downloading something
  • Upgrading the service

There are tons of conversion actions that visitors can take on a website.

But the question is
"How exactly can you calculate my conversion rate?"

Let's take a look.

How to track conversion rate?

It's quite simple, actually.
All you need to do is to divide the conversions number for a given time frame by the number of visitors on your website or landing page and multiply it by 100%.

Conversion Rate = (Number of conversions / Number of visitors) * 100%

Let me ask you a question.
What will be your conversion rate if you manage to convert about 150 people out of the 10,000 visitors that landed on your website?
In this case, the conversion rate is 1.5%.

Did you know that you can always be broad or specific with your conversion rates?

Listed are a few of the different types of conversion rates that you can use:

  • Overall conversion rate
  • Marketing channel conversion rate
  • Page-level conversion rate
  • Campaign conversion rate
  • Individual ad conversion rate
  • Keyword conversion rate

What is conversion rate optimization?


Here's HubSpot's official definition for Conversion Rate Optimization:

"Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) can be referred to as the process of making people take action when they land on your website or landing page. With certain modifications or additions to your webpage elements, you can increase the chances of your website visitors converting even more."

Optimizing your conversion rate will help you:

  • Boost website revenue
  • Improve ROI
  • Get to know your customers
  • Enhance your website trust
  • Get more leads
  • Profitable paid campaigns
  • More calculated risks
  • Enhanced decisions based on proven data
  • Increase lifetime value of customers
  • Improve website's search engine ranking
  • Improve scalability of your business

As a certified digital marketer, I don't quite see a reason why a business shouldn't work on improving their conversion rates immediately.
And that's what we will take a brief look at next.
It's time to take a look at the top proven tactics that will help you improve your conversion rates.

How to improve your website conversion rate

1. Create text-based CTAs

Call-to-action or CTA encourages your users to do something on your website.
It's no secret that adding a call-to-action within each of text block can help you boost up your conversion rates even more. However, sometimes the CTAs don't quite manage to make your readers take the desired action.
Banner blindness is the most common and realistic phenomenon in today's digital world due to which people simply get used to ignoring banner-like information on the websites.
Combine it with the fact that people don't quite manage to read to the end of the blog post.
And that's exactly where you will realize that a new approach is what's required.
That's where the text-based CTAs come in.

Here's what a text-based CTA looks like:
"Download Now: A 30-Day diet plan to reduce your weight instantly."

2. Craft a compelling headline

As a digital marketer, I know exactly how valuable a headline is.
It's one of the most vital parts of copywriting as well as marketing.
The more compelling your headline is, the more visitors you'll manage to convert.

After landing on your website, most of your visitors will just be taking a look at the headline.
And if it's something that doesn't interest them or grabs their attention, they will bounce off.
Which one of these two headlines will grab your attention straight away?

"Time to learn digital marketing"


"Learn digital marketing in just 30-days with our certified crash courses"

Of course, the second one.

And that's how powerful the words are if you frame them right.
Don't forget to run A/B tests on your headlines over the course of weeks, months as well as years.
Keep optimizing your headlines over a period of time.
That's one of the most effective ways to improve your conversion rates.

3. Develop a dedicated landing page

With paid advertising campaigns, you will be sending the traffic to your landing page, in most of the cases.
That's the reason it's really important for you to have a dedicated landing page.
One of the biggest reasons is page optimization.

If you are paying for bringing in traffic to your website's landing page, you need to have one that sells.
You might have heard that "First Impression Matters."
And if you don't have a dedicated landing page, the chances are that you won't be able to interest your prospects at the very first sight.
In this case, you will witness an increase in the bounce-off rate.
And that's something you wouldn't want, right?

4. Run tests on your landing page

It's no secret that a landing page can have a major impact on your website's conversion rate.
It's a place where your website visitors will turn to leads, or your existing customers will engage with your brand in a deeper manner.


And that's exactly why you should run A/B tests in order to get most out of them.

Here's what you should A/B test:

  • Website copy
  • Content offer
  • Form questions
  • Page design
  • Images

5. Optimize the high-performing blog posts

If you already have been blogging for more than a year, the chances are that some of your blog posts are performing really well and better than the others.
Personally, we know that blog posts have a major impact on website conversion rates.

In order to get started, you need to identify the blog posts with seriously high levels of website traffic, yet low conversion rates.
The chances are that the offer that you are currently promoting isn't quite aligned with the blog post, or your CTA isn't quite clear and up to the mark.
Optimize accordingly.
And that's not it.
You need to take a look at the blog posts with high conversion rates as well.
Optimizing content for the search engines or simply updating the content to make it feel relevant and fresh will help you drive high-quality traffic to your blog posts even more.

6. Add trust badges

Letting your visitors know how you value their security and value is one of the most effective ways to convert them even more.
Trust badges will help you show that you are dedicated to taking extra measures to protect them.

One of the most common examples is an SSL certificate.
This badge tells people that their information is encrypted.
In the above picture, you can take a look at a few of the trust badges that will help you increase your conversion rate.

7. Create a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency is considered to be one of the most effective psychological triggers in the marketing world.
It's a familiar emotion.
Urgent phone calls! Urgent deadlines! Urgent assignments!
Don't we all feel the sense of urgency in our daily lives?
And that's exactly what helps you convince people better and in a faster manner.

Before they even have the time to come up with questions, excuses and objections, the chances are that you might have already converted them into paying customers.
For example, whenever a potential customer tries to leave your website, you can hit him/her up with an exit popup.

It's time to improve your conversion rate

You'll find tons of best practices blog posts and articles out there.
But, in the end, you personally need to understand what your customers are looking for.
You need to understand what exactly drives result for your business.
If you don't already measure conversion rate, then you need to start with it TODAY!
You need to understand what amount of your visitors actually convert.
That's the only way you will be able to devise a strategy to make further improvements and generate working results.
So, what are you waiting for?
Get Started with Your Conversion Rate Optimization Journey TODAY!